
New Cellphone!!

New Phone!!I was lucky I have this phone.It started when my phone


Do you ever mind asking me if I memorized my desiderata?

GOD!!I was not even prepared for my talumpati and they we're sayin' that the desiderata will be on monday??No way! I was totally shock when I heard that one, but luckily, Sir Guintivano anounced that Desiderata will be on our third quarter which will be held on November!!only if!we're not yet done in our topic!Oh gosh! How could this happen to me?? Last year I mess up with my talumpati. Now what? I will not repeat that again!NEVER!!EVER! .oh well, GUDLUCK TO MYSELF!


Centenial Fair

I really enjoyed that day because there's a lot of fun, games, food, and booths. I was thrill when I heard there's a scary booth and I'm excited to enter it. Luckily, I entered with the higher years around me and my friends. I enjoyed it. Although it is not scary, not at all, I really learned something because the topic is about the environment. I have fun riding the Ferris Wheel, even if my stomach feels going up and down, I'm sure I have the loudest scream, embarrassed, but totally have fun!!.. It rained a lot, but I was not standing in the corner, waiting for the rain to stop, we played on it and totally get wet. We hurriedly went up to the dorm and take a shower. I cannot forget the concert because at first they sang a song we're not familiar of and misunderstand it and we burst into laughter. I was totally bored. I stopped dancing and practiced riding in a wave board. I feel i did take a bath, my shirt is so wet, full of sweat. Totally get tired of doing it and I come back to the concert. I was really surprised when I saw Sr. Secular dance and well dance so well. I joined him and a group of girls came to join us too. We all end up doing Sr. Seculars' stepping. Aww.. So bad it ends too early. When I went up to the dorm, ohh.. so silent. I feel so free and jump to my bed. I didn't realized, i wake up and looked at my watch, oh God, its early in the morning!!.. I end up taking a bath so fast and packed my things.. And yes!!.. Yesterday is really gone!!.. and..back to my life again.

you're beautiful

After viewing this Korean TV series, I was so touch and obviously realize something and at the same time disappointed because I'm not satisfied of the ending. The story was about a girl, well actually was going to be a nun, who has a twin brother who's actually joining the band named A.N Jell. Its a band where an emo Wang Tae Kyung was the leader, the sweat and romantic Kang Shin Woo as the guitarist, and the funny and most innocent in their group Jeremy as the drummer. Unfortunately her brother Go Mi Nam was hospitalized in the America and was not fully cured. For that accident, Go Mi Nyu was forced to act as his brother. After a few weeks or days, they all found out that she was a girl and they all fall in love with her. She end up having a relationship to 
Wang Tae Kyung. Honestly, I cried for some reasons and was really hurt to this Korean Series.I actually learned lessons and changed some of my attitudes. ^_^  


creepy cockroaches

.to be honest,I am really...
..really afraid of cockroaches..that you will be really alarmed when I shout..but even though i know that my shout is annoying..well to some of you..I just cant really stop it..I will just blur it out,without thinking that I will disturb somebody..well..thats all for now..its late in the evening..



Sometimes I loose hope and I'll say "I've rather died",but I usually think,what will happen if I die?Maybe my parents will sorrow.What will happen to my friends?My best friend?My relatives?So,I decided to live my life well.Pero ang life talaga is so complicated,na kung minsan idadaan ko nlang sa pag iyak.There are times that your up and there are times your down.But I put it in mind that we are just people and that's our life.


It is through friendships that teenagers learn to take responsibility, provide support, and give their loyalty to non- family members. It is also in teenage friendships that young people find confidants with whom to share thoughts and feelings that they are not comfortable sharing with their parents. Such sharing becomes one of the elements of true intimacy, which will be established later.My words are so deep that sometimes I cant also understand myself.Well, that's life!!